Assistant/Associate Professor in Marketing

Position Title
Assistant/Associate Professor in Marketing

Non-Discrimination Statement
The University is committed to providing an educational, residential, and working environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. Members of the University community, applicants for employment or admissions, guests and visitors have the right to be free from harassment or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, genetic information, national origin, veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable law.

Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational, extracurricular, athletic, or other programs or in the context of employment.

Anyone who has questions about the University’s Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy, or the University’s Non-Discrimination or Anti-Harassment Policy, or wishes to report a possible violation of one of the policy should contact:

Elizabeth M. Garcia
Title IX Coordinator
The Office of Equity and Diversity
Institute of Molecular Biology & Medicine, Rm 311
[email protected]
(570) 941-6645

University Mission
The University is a Catholic and Jesuit University animated by the spiritual vision and the tradition of excellence characteristic of the Society of Jesus and those who share in its way of proceeding. All candidates must indicate how they would help communicate and support the Catholic and Jesuit identity and mission of the University. The University’s mission statement and a description of the history and concepts of the Ignatian teaching philosophy may be found at

Diversity & Inclusion
The University of Scranton embraces diversity and inclusion through its mission, Jesuit identity, strategic plans, community outreach programs, and numerous diversity programs. The University of Scranton is an Equal Opportunity employer and actively solicits applications from diverse candidates. Please see our website at for our full non-discrimination statement.

All applicants are required to provide a statement that indicates their commitment to diversity and inclusion and how this informs their pedagogy.

Management Marketing

Job Purpose
The Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship seeks an individual for a tenure track position appointment in Marketing. The position will start beginning with the Fall of 2024 semester.

Essential Duties
The successful candidate will have an 18-hour teaching load per academic year and will be required to teach in our undergraduate and graduate programs. Duties include designing and teaching a variety of marketing courses at both the undergraduate and MBA level based on the department needs.

Additional Skills Required
Dr. Satya P. Chattopadhyay, Dept. of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, at [email protected] can be reached for any additional queries.

Minimum Education Requirements
Must possess a doctoral degree in marketing from an AACSB-accredited institution at the time of appointment (or ABD, with degree completion expected by the end of 2024-25 academic year) and meet the criteria for being professionally and academically qualified to teach marketing courses.

Minimum Job Experience Requirements
Evidence of experience and proficiency in college level teaching must be provided. Interest and/or previous experience in teaching courses in one or more of the areas of digital and social media marketing, marketing analytics, marketing research, retailing, and B-to-B marketing will be a plus.

Full Time/Part Time

Annual Schedule

Assistant Professor

Tenure Track

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