
The Marketing Department at ESSEC Business School has one position available for its Cergy campus (near Paris) at the Associate or Full Professor level, with a start date of Fall 2024 (an earlier or delayed start date is possible based on the candidate’s circumstances). We will consider all applications, regardless of area of specialization, but special attention will be paid to researchers working in the fields of marketing analytics, artificial intelligence, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and social transition. Knowledge of French is neither required nor expected for this position.


  1. Interested candidates should send their application electronically to [email protected] with a cover letter indicating their motivation, an updated CV, and some examples of published articles or working papers. If appropriate, the package should include reference letters sent separately to the same email address, clearly indicating the name of the candidate. Please indicate in your letter if the application should be treated as confidential.
  2. Applications are accepted now and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
  3. The recruiting committee will examine candidate files regularly and organize preliminaryjob interviews via videoconference with selected candidates, preferably by January 2024.
  4. The recruiting committee will then invite selected candidates for campus visits. These campus visits will be organized on the Cergy campus.

A few words about ESSEC

The marketing group is a diverse group consisting of scholars of 9 different nationalities. We teach courses at the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and executive levels. We are highly involved in our Ph.D. program and have published in leading journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Management Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and Marketing Letters.

ESSEC provides a number of benefits to marketing scholars. Teaching loads are relatively low and support for research and conference attendance is substantial. We have extensive contacts with the Paris business community. ESSEC also has a state-of-the-art experimental laboratory on campus, including eye-tracking, and a large English-speaking subject pool. We also have a business accelerator at our La Defense campus.

ESSEC has consistently been ranked among the top business schools in Europe and worldwide for the past decade (latest rankings are available at https://www.essec.edu/en/pages/about-essec/essec-business-school-en/rankings/).

More information on ESSEC Business School and the marketing department can be found at http://www.essec.edu/en/pages/faculty-and-research/departments/marketing/