The Department of Business at Illinois College invites applications for a full-time position in Marketing to begin Fall 2024. Candidates should have the ability to teach a variety of courses within the Marketing major in face-to-face and online formats while providing support for other majors in the Business department. Candidates must be able to teach Marketing Principles and Marketing Management. The ability to teach courses in Consumer Behavior, Marketing Communications and develop additional marketing courses is strongly preferred. Additional duties include contributing to the ongoing development of the business programs at the College, including online teaching; student advising and mentoring; scholarly engagement; and community involvement.

The successful candidate will have a commitment to undergraduate teaching, interest in faculty-student research, and demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Professional marketing experience preferred. A terminal degree is preferred, but highly qualified master’s-prepared candidates with professional marketing experience considered. 

Illinois College seeks candidates who have a commitment to working closely with a wide range of students. Currently our population is approximately one-third students of color and 40% first-generation college students. Commitment to supporting the success of all students and to teaching excellence are essential. 

Since 1829, Illinois College has transformed the lives of undergraduate students. The College is focused on student success and provides many opportunities for faculty-study interaction beyond the classroom, including collaborative research projects, international study-travel, and mentoring/advising. The College is committed to ensuring access and equity. The College develops in its students qualities of mind and character needed for fulfilling lives of leadership and service. The College is located in historic Jacksonville, Illinois 30 minutes west of the capital city of Springfield and 90 minutes north of St. Louis, Missouri.

Applicants should submit the following materials in PDF format.

  • Letter of Application which addresses the candidate’s interest in undergraduate marketing education
  • C.V.
  • A statement of teaching philosophy that includes discussion of teaching to a diverse student body
  • Contact information for three references and/or three letters of reference

Review of applications will begin November 1, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.Illinois College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from underrepresented minorities and women.