Classification Information
Agency Name & Code
University of Mary Washington, 215

Role Code

Role Title
Assistant Professor

Term of Contract

Position Number

College of Business

General Description of Position
University of Mary Washington’s College of Business (COB) invites applications for one tenure-track position in Marketing at the rank of Assistant professor beginning August 2024. Highly qualified candidates will be able to demonstrate dedication to effective teaching and high-impact learning. The successful candidate(s) will be able to teach a variety of marketing classes, maintain an active research agenda, and be willing to perform service requirements at the College and University level.

Area of Expertise

Required Qualifications
· Ph.D. in Marketing or Business Administration with a concentration in marketing from an AACSB-accredited institution by August 2024.
· Ability to teach effectively undergraduate students.
· Ability to teach classes such as Principles of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, International Marketing, Data Analytics, Quantitative Modeling.
· Ability to maintain an active research agenda (e.g., publishing peer-reviewed journal articles, presenting at conferences, etc.).
· Willingness to teach in face-to-face, hybrid, and online modalities.

Preferred Qualifications
· Interest in marketing analytics, quantitative modeling, data sciences
· Interest in collaborating with other academic units on campus
· Ability to teach at the graduate (MBA) level.
· Willingness to further develop marketing curriculum including developing new courses and expanding course offerings at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

Proposed Starting Date 08/14/2024