Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, in Marketing Analytics, Center for Retailing, Stockholm School of Economics

The Center for Retailing/Department of Marketing and Strategy at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Marketing Analytics.

We are looking for candidates with a completed Ph.D. degree in Business Administration (primarily Marketing but other subdisciplines could also be relevant), with a focus on quantitative methods/empirical modelling. We are specifically looking for candidates with a documented interest in and experience from retail analytics, customer management, customer loyalty, multi/omni-channel, category management, retail operations, and/or buying behavior. The ideal candidate is someone with a promising research record as evidenced by publications in or conceivable potential to publish in top tier journals. The successful candidate is expected to actively participate in one or more of the ongoing research streams at the Center for Retailing (see below) and be part of a growing team focused on Retail Analytics, where data from our corporate partners is used in research. The position offers ample opportunities to cooperate with SSE’s wide network of partner organizations and companies both in teaching and research.

General information

The successful candidate will be part of the core faculty of Center for Retailing and primarily teach in the bachelor program in Retail Management (but also other programs/levels depending on fit with teaching needs). Research and teaching are equally important, and the candidate will be offered support and training in pedagogy. The standard teaching load for tenure track faculty at SSE is 40% (equals about four courses per year) with the possibility of a 50% reduction through external research grants. During the first 2-years, the position has a reduced teaching load (two courses/year). The candidate is expected to engage in collaboration with external stakeholders in both research and teaching, tapping into our wide network of partner organizations.

To summarize, we are looking for a colleague with a passion for both research and teaching, who is doing outstanding research, has a track record of high-quality teaching, and comes with excellent recommendations. Beyond this, we are looking for someone prepared to contribute to our research environment, our education programs, and other areas in the life of a thriving academic institution.

The expected start date for the position is August 2024, but we are open to discussing alternative start dates. Salaries are competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience, and are set on an individual basis. The tenure track period is 6 years, conditional on successful mid-term review after 3 years. Tenure evaluation takes place after a maximum of 6 years, and successful evaluation leads to conversion of the tenure-track position into a tenured Associate Professor position.


The position requires a PhD in Business Administration focused on Marketing and/or related areas from an accredited university or business school (EQUIS, AACSB, or AMBA), preferably awarded within the last three years.

Candidates must have completed their PhD prior to taking up the position and must demonstrate a strong research interest in quantitative methods/empirical modelling and a commitment to high quality research and teaching in relevant areas. Preference will be given to candidates who have published in top journals, have a proven track record of international peer-reviewed publications, and/ or a strong pipeline of submitted papers.

The candidates should have documented experience from teaching relevant courses and must demonstrate teaching effectiveness as indicated by teaching evaluations, letters of recommendations and/or peer reviews. Experience from teaching at both bachelor and master level, designing courses, coaching student projects, and teaching in executive education are considered merits as is experience of various industry collaborations in teaching.

Finally, candidates should demonstrate an ability and willingness to undertake administrative duties and play a full part in the intellectual life of the center, department, and school at large. Experience from working with companies is research and teaching is considered a merit.

How to apply
To be considered for the position, please submit:

  1. A cover letter articulating your fit with the position description, including research interests and plans, and teaching experience/competence.
  2. A complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae.
  3. A separate document listing both published articles (if any), submitted articles(including information about journal and current status), and working papers (including information about targeted journals).

4. Copies of representative research.
5. Names and contact information for three academic references.

Your application must be received by November 10, 2023.

About Center for Retailing

Center for Retailing (CFR) at the Stockholm School of Economics sets out to be an academic world leader for industry collaboration and thought leadership in retailing. CFR envisions to be at the vanguard of business school education and research, contributing future leaders and impactful science-based insights that benefit the future of the retail industry. By attracting world class faculty, students, and corporate partners, we contribute to the future competitiveness of the retail industry as well as retail as an academic field.

In research, we are curious to understand the transformation of retail and seek to contribute managerially relevant insights while advancing academic thinking on the future of retail. We do so by conducting scientific research on the retail industry and its actors using a variety of methods. Empirically we base our insights on systematic studies of actual behaviors, either by means of observation, big data, interviews, or experimental approaches. When possible, we combine individual-level data with behavioral and economic data from retailers. Our research can broadly be described in terms of five research themes: The New Retail Ecosystem, Sustainable Retailing, Innovative Retail Experiences, The People of Retail, and Managing Negative Events.

About the Department of Marketing and Strategy

The Department of Marketing and Strategy is one of six Academic Departments at the Stockholm School of Economics. The department consists of 11 full professors, 6 associate professors, 5 assistant professors, 3 lecturers, and 23 PhD students. The department contributes to teaching in the bachelor, master, PhD, MBA and executive education programs at SSE. The department also hosts about 40 research fellows (fully financed by external research grants).

The department has a high-performance research orientation and culture. Faculty members are expected to regularly publish in top journals within their respective fields. Our tenure evaluations reflect this and rely, among other things, on the AJG and FT50 lists as indicators of research quality. Besides publishing, our faculty members also actively and successfully apply for external research grants to fund both their own research and PhD and post doc projects.

About Stockholm School of Economics

The Stockholm School of Economics is ranked as the top business school in the Nordic and Baltic countries and enjoys a strong international reputation. World-class research forms the foundation of our educational offering, which includes Bachelor,

Master, PhD, MBA, and Executive Education programs. Through creativity and collaboration, the Stockholm School of Economics provides an environment where ambitious students and accomplished researchers meet to address contemporary challenges within business and economics, particularly those concerning sustainability, diversity and innovation.

Apart from delivering world class education within business and economics, SSE students are trained to be successful decision makers and leaders of the future. Our educational mission has over the years strengthened SSE students, and you can read more about it here.

SSE is committed to a balanced gender distribution and values a variety of backgrounds and experiences among our employees. We therefore welcome all applicants regardless of their gender, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation, age, or religion or other beliefs.