Appointment of Professor of Marketing

Nova SBE seeks to appoint tenured faculty in the Marketing Area. Appointees will be strong researchers in the fields of marketing, publishing in top journals with global impact.

Appointees will be considered to the ranks of Associate and Full Professor. They should be willing to work in a top-school with values of rigour, impact, vanguardism, connectivity, and worldliness.

To apply, please submit your CV and three professional reference contacts to [email protected].


Being open to the world is very important to us. Our Professors are willing to develop their activities in an international environment that extends far beyond the walls of our campus.

We are recognized by our connection to researchers in large networks and for worldwide impact that extends from Europe to Africa, the Americas, and Asia. We aim at this openness and reach in our research, our teaching and by engaging with governments, industries, businesses and society.

We believe that strong scholarship begins in a long-
term commitment to self-development and requires a collaborative environment in which faculty feels supported in highly demanding tasks. Thus, we search for high potential faculty and in addition to traditional research structures, we offer additional resources via our Knowledge Centers.

At Nova SBE, appointees for senior ranks are international scholars with a proven record of excellence, impact, and leadership. They establish bold research agendas that aim to change the world of management and create more responsible practices. They often also secure grant applications and develop international collaborations with top universities and societal players around the world.


Our faculty have the full support of the school (time and resources) to dedicate themselves to research and to publishing in top journals with academic and societal impact. We expect faculty to:

• Develop top impactful research, published in world- leading international journals;

• Collaborate in the Ph.D. program and Knowledge Centers’ projects;

• Further expand the research networks;

• Develop courses, deliver teaching, and supervise tasks for undergraduate and graduate programs.

Senior appointees also:

  • Mentor junior faculty members;
  • Collaborate in the development of a strong research agenda for their area;
  • Raise research funding from public agencies and private sponsors;
  • Develop academic leadership by actively participating in the decision-making processes of the school, and develop relationships with local, national, and international communities.


Nova SBE promotes the active participation of senior faculty in executive education, and engagement in knowledge co-creation with government, industries, financial systems, businesses, and society, through the development of action research, specialized studies, and consulting services.

We endeavour to secure endowed Chairs, to be offered as incentives to senior professors responsible for developing their field. Chaired professors are responsible for developing quality research often with interdisciplinary approaches, and disseminate and connect research outputs with business and societal players.


Faculty careers are organized around a tenure system with substantial probation periods that protect researchers from early termination, so that they feel secure to develop impactful projects with long-term outputs.

Tenure and career progression are granted by a collegial body that represents all tenured faculty (Scientific Council). Compensation is competitive with top European schools and rewards outstanding research.

Salaries are complemented with research budgets, variable components, benefits, generous vacation days (22 working days/year) and a sabbatical leave, full paid, after 6 years of full-time dedication.

International and Portuguese faculty living abroad may benefit from a lower tax rate (IRS flat rate – 20%) according to the Portuguese tax code.


The Marketing Faculty is recognized by its outstanding international performance and paves the way to a deeper understanding of marketing-related topics.

All faculty have experience abroad and the vast majority holds a PhD from top international universities.

We highly support the development of junior faculty, through mentoring, exchanges, and university-wide programs. All faculty is sponsored to attend top international conferences and encouraged to participate in development networks.

Outstanding faculty may also apply to visit international institutions for one semester under a sponsored fellowship.


Nova SBE’s Knowledge Centres (KC) and Laboratories (LAB) are a core element of Nova SBE’s mission, as they enable faculty members, staff, and partners to integrate fundamental and applied research and coordinate efforts towards knowledge co-creation and innovation in specific fields that are strategic to the future of the School.

KCs allow several faculty members to develop joint activity towards a clear integration of different
steps in the knowledge development process, from fundamental to applied research, science outreach and communication, teaching, and advisory and consulting services.

The Behavioural Lab provides ideal conditions in which research, experiments, and measurement are performed, leading to the development of research data and creative ideas, frameworks, products, and services.