Department of Marketing and Electronic Business

School of Business, Nanjing University

Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Marketing/MIS

    The Department of Marketing and Electronic Business of Nanjing University is seeking applicants for full-time, tenure-track faculty positions in marketing/MIS at the Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor levels. Nanjing University is one of the most prestigious universities in China, and the Business School is one of the country’s oldest and largest leading business schools. More information about the school can be found at

    The Department of Marketing and Electronic Business fosters a professional research environment and a collegial culture that is intellectually stimulating and interdisciplinary. The department has strong connections with the business community through research centers, which provide both research and teaching linkages to other business disciplines. Currently, 30 full-time faculties in the department actively engage in high-quality research and international publications. Our faculties have a record of publishing in top-tier journals and also successfully received multiple research grant support from different levels, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Ministry of Education of China, and other provincial-level governments and institutions. 

    Applicants must have a Ph.D. in MIS or Marketing or a closely related area from an accredited institution and have an outstanding research record or proven potential. Responsibilities for the position will include conducting research, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, and participating in course/curriculum development and other school activities. We seek scholars who can produce excellent quality research that can be published in top journals in the information systems and marketing areas. High-quality teaching is desired. Individuals with diverse backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply. The salary package, starting research grant, and allocation fee are competitive depending on the candidate’s qualifications. 


(1) Applicants should obey the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and love education and scientific research;

(2) Applicants should follow the codes of professional ethics and academic integrity as educators and scholars and be diligent. Applicants should have no criminal records and have received no punishment for professional ethics and academic integrity violations;

(3) Applicants should have top-level academic backgrounds, expected to have obtained doctoral degrees in the relevant fields, have studying and/or working experience at first-rate teaching and research institutions, and be familiar with the cutting-edge scientific research around the globe;

(4) Applicants are expected to be skilled in teaching the core basic courses and frontier courses of their fields with suitable teaching methods and outstanding oral expression;

(5) Applicants are expected to have distinguished research results and the potential for future development in scientific research. Applicants should have well-recognized results and original ideas in their research fields and have clear ideas for future research plans and good potential in academic research.

    Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Interested individuals should submit the application package, including the below documents (but not limited to) to the contacts through email: 

Application Materials Required

(1) Cover letter (specifying the research area and position applied for);

(2) Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications);

(3) Research Statement;

(4) Research Plan;

(5) Three reference letters;

(6) Teaching Statement.

Please submit the full application package electronically to Prof. Xi Chen, Department Head, at [email protected], and Assoc. Prof. Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu at [email protected]

Compensation Package and Support

A successful applicant will be provided with:

(1) Competitive salaries: annual salaries will be commensurate with work experience and research performance;

(2) Competitive startup packages: all newly hired tenure-track faculty members will be provided sufficient startup resources and necessary research infrastructures;

(3) Quotas to supervise doctoral and master students (Qualification will be finally evaluated and approved by Nanjing University);

(4) Short-term lodging and housing subsidies. Applicants recruited can purchase commercial housing offered by the university at a special discount;

(5) Assistance with children’s school enrollment in primary and secondary schools.

Application DeadlineAugust 20, 2023