SUSTech Business School at Southern University of Science and Technology is seeking applicants for tenure-track/tenured faculty position at all ranks in Marketing (all areas).

Compensation Package

Salary will be highly competitive and commensurate with experience and academic accomplishments. The University offers a comprehensive compensation package, including housing benefits and medical care for eligible appointees. Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply for numerous Talents Programs sponsored by local, provincial, and national governments.

About Southern University of Science and Technology

Established in 2012, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is a public institution funded by the municipal government of Shenzhen. SUSTech is a pioneer in higher education reform in China. The mission of the University is to become a globally recognized institution, emphasizing academic excellence and promoting innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. For more information about SUSTech, please visit the university website (


Please send the application package in a single pdf file which contains (1) cover letter; (2) CV; (3) research and teaching statements; (4) job market paper (three representative papers for senior positions); and (5) arrange three reference letters, to search committee through email:, with the subject “Marketing Faculty Application”. Please indicate the position applied (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) in the cover letter.

CMIC 2023

Applicants who plan to attend CMIC 2023 (China Marketing International Conference) are recommended to submit the application before June 1, 2023. Interviews at the conference and campus visits after the conference will be arranged for shortlisted candidates.