Carthage College seeks a dedicated and experienced Management or Marketing professor to join the faculty as a full-time Assistant Professor (non-tenure track) starting in August 2023. We seek a professional with both industry and academic experience to contribute to a newly launched School of Business & Economics. Applicants must at least have a related Master’s degree, although a terminal degree is preferred.

Both Management and Marketing are two of the largest majors at Carthage College. Given the current flexibility and academic program growth within the School of Business & Economics, the ideal candidate will support the currently offered major (Management or Marketing), but also brings forth a level of expertise that assists the School in developing and/or supporting the following such areas: Business Design & Innovation, Supply Chain, Digital Marketing, and/or Human Resource Management.

Given the institutional design and history, we seek a faculty member who prioritizes success in the classroom as well as advising, but also understands and appreciates a small, liberal arts college by actively engaging with the institutional community through service and contributes to academic scholarship. Our full-time faculty teach a 24-28 credit course load (predominantly all classes are 4 credits) with an expectation to teach a J-Term course (January travel or seated) every couple of years.

Carthage College looks to build on its mission of “Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service – Together” by attracting faculty who appreciate working at a small, liberal arts institution with a distinctive and successful path. We pride ourselves in our efforts to attract diverse faculty with consistent efforts towards improving diversity, equity and inclusion. In addition, our institutional highlights include participation in the Moonshot for Equity, home to NASA’s Wisconsin Space Grant and a newly established engineering program.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit a single PDF file including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy and the contact information for three professional references including name, telephone and email address. Additional questions about this position can be directed to Jim Padilla, Dean for the School of Business & Economics ([email protected]).

For best consideration, applications should be received by February 1th, 2023.

About Carthage

Carthage College has been educating men and women in the liberal arts tradition since 1847. Founded by members of the Lutheran Church, and currently affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), Carthage remains true to its original purpose: to provide students with a strong academic, moral, and intellectual compass, so they become perceptive, resourceful, and grounded individuals.

Our mission is to ‘Seek Truth, Build Strength, and Inspire Service, Together’. The Wisconsin Board of Nursing granted Carthage the approval to admit students in December of 2014. The Higher Learning Commission granted permission for Carthage to offer the BSN in August, 2015. The Nursing Program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate College Education. Our prime location in Kenosha, Wisconsin, midway between Chicago and Milwaukee, allows students the opportunity to learn in a professional context.

Our beautiful campus, an 80-acre arboretum on the shore of Lake Michigan, is home to 155 full-time faculty, 2600 full-time students, and 900 part-time students. Our rich academic experience equips students with foundational knowledge and skill, preparing graduates to be lifelong learners, and to lead meaningful, productive lives.