Ole Miss Business School Department of Marketing
The Marketing Department of the School of Business Administration at The University of Mississippi invites applications for faculty positions in Marketing at our main campus in Oxford, Mississippi at either the Assistant Professor level. The two positions are tenure-track positions with the School of Business Administration.
Duties: To teach undergraduate courses (predominantly with the possibility of some graduate-level teaching) in a tenure-track position in Marketing beginning Fall, 2023. Successful applicants will be responsible for teaching at the undergraduate level, conducting research aimed toward top-tier disciplinary journals, and to provide service to the university and the profession. The normal teaching load for a research-active faculty member is 2/2 (6 credit hours per semester, Fall and Spring) with the option to teach intersession, summer courses, and/or online courses for additional pay subject to course and funding availability.
We are particularly interested in candidates capable of teaching in sales and supply chain management areas. In particular, expertise with sales-related technologies, including digital/virtual selling, is advantageous. Our industry partners are very engaged in analytics applied to sales and distribution. Candidates who can work well with industry partners and administrative sills also are preferred. An ability to support dissertation work in marketing-related areas is a plus.
Required Qualifications: To be considered for this position, the applicant must have an earned doctorate degree (or hold ABD status with expected degree completion prior to August 2023) in Marketing or a related discipline (i.e., Supply Chain Management) from an AACSB accredited or well-regarded business program. Applicants should possess strong evidence of the potential to publish research in elite academic marketing journals and must demonstrate a commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. Excellent written and oral communication skills are essential. No candidate will be considered who does not meet the departmental AACSB standards for Scholarly Academics (SA).
About the University of Mississippi: The Marketing department at Ole Miss has a notably successful faculty. Our faculty are part of international editorial boards and the leadership for the Academy of Marketing Science, a leading professional association for marketing research. Faculty in the department have accumulated a quarter million citations.
The University of Mississippi is situated in Oxford, MS, an extraordinarily livable city (www.oxfordms.com/) and a quintessential southern college town. Oxford, named after Oxford, England, is a one-hour drive south of Memphis, TN, and it is known as home of Nobel Prize winning author William Faulkner. Oxford was founded as a University town and remains one today. Oxford has also been featured as a literary and arts destination in such publications as The New York Times, Southern Living, Condé Nast Traveler, and GQ. ESPN rated Oxford as the best college town in the country in 2021. Along with quality of life and cultural activities, annual events include the Oxford Film Festival, a thriving local music scene, world-class restaurants (one nick-name for Oxford is the “Little Easy”), and the Ford Center for Performing Arts. Virtually everything is within walking distance of the Ole Miss campus and “the Square.” Salary for the positions is competitive with peer institutions. In addition, the cost of living in Oxford remains relatively low in comparison to the rest of the U.S.A. (approximately 47% lower than the Washington, DC area).
Application Procedure: Apply online (only) at https://careers.olemiss.edu. Applications cannot be accepted in any other format. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, cover letter, and evidence of effective teaching. At least three references will be required from candidates invited to campus. The anticipated starting date is August 2023, in time for the Fall semester. Applications will be considered immediately. The position will remain open until filled or until an adequate applicant pool is achieved. For additional information, contact Dr. Barry J. Babin, Chair Search Committee, 235 Holman Hall, Marketing Department, School of Business Administration, The University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 (mktg@bus.olemiss.edu).
The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer.