Clinical Assistant Professor Non-Tenure-Track Position in Marketing

The Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University in New York City welcomes applicants to fill an opening for full-time instructional faculty in the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor in the Marketing Area, starting Fall 2022.

Position Summary

The successful candidate is expected to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in marketing and actively engage in service related to the area and our students. The marketing area welcomes applicants with an interest in various marketing domains. Dynamic and motivated candidates with interest and expertise in digital marketing, social media marketing, and technology use in marketing are specifically encouraged to apply. We seek candidates who have relevant experience and are passionate about designing innovative courses and keeping up-to-date on industry advances.

The position requires a strong commitment and care for students and excellence in teaching. Fordham University prides itself on having small class sizes at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. The candidate must have the passion and leadership for new initiatives, helping students, organizing extra-curricular activities, and connecting students with the industry.

Candidates with a PhD/ABD or a graduate degree with extensive relevant industry experience are encouraged to apply. We value industry experience and encourage candidates with degrees in marketing or other related areas (related business disciplines, computer science, psychology, among others) to apply.

The teaching load is eight courses per academic year (4 courses per semester) or equivalent. All applicants may also teach the undergraduate marketing principles as well as specialized courses.

About the Marketing Area

The marketing area is committed to excellence in research and teaching. We are a group of 18 full-time faculty, working in a supportive and collaborative environment. The faculty have diverse research and teaching interests. We continuously publish in top- ranked journals and participate in various academic events and conferences. The marketing area provides a collegial and supportive environment for new colleagues to develop their research program and grow professionally.

Our programs have continuously ranked among the top programs in the US. The US News & World Report ranked our graduate marketing specialty 14th and our undergraduate marketing program 17th in the United States this year. Our MS in Marketing Intelligence program is ranked 10th globally in E-business and Digital

Marketing by edUniversal. We offer classes at our Campuses at Lincoln Center in Manhattan and Rose Hill in the Bronx. The area values the well-being of our students and invests in their education for both the short and long-term success of the students.

Fordham University is an independent, Catholic university in the Jesuit tradition and welcomes applications from men and women of all backgrounds. Fordham is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, people of color, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Consistent with our Jesuit tradition, we believe that cultural and intellectual diversity is central to the excellence of our academic programs and strive to create an academic community and campus culture that attracts and facilitates the development of teacher-scholars. We are especially interested in candidates with substantive experience and commitment to teaching and mentoring students from a range of social, cultural, and economic backgrounds. Fordham’s Gabelli School of Business is accredited by the AACSB. The initial appointment is for one year. Hiring is subject to final budgetary approval.


Please apply online and submit the application materials listed below on

  • Cover letter outlining your qualifications, teaching and industry experience, teachingphilosophy, and scholarly contributions (if any)
  • A summary of the topics you are comfortable teaching and your relevant experience.In addition, please include your thoughts about innovative approaches to teaching theareas you mention.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Supporting materials if available (list of courses taught, representative syllabi, courseevaluations, industry projects, previous experiences). Prior teaching experience is desired but not necessary. What documents to include is up to the discretion of the applicant
  • Names and contact information for at least three references

Applications review begins on March 1st and will continue on a rolling basis until the position is filled. We encourage early submission as decisions will be made once suitable candidates have been identified.

For questions about this position, please contact the Marketing Area Chair, Dr. Mohammad G. Nejad, at [email protected].