The School of Business and Economics (SBE) at the University of Münster (WWU) is one of Germany’s leading schools of business and economics. With around 250 academic staff, the SBE is strongly committed to excellence in research and teaching. The SBE’s mission is to understand, explain and shape economic phenomena. We combine the perspectives of business, economics and information systems within the stimulating interdisciplinary environment of one of the most renowned universi- ties in Germany. Our research inspires and substantiates the education of students and researchers pursuing careers in academia or business. In the spirit of engaged scholarship, we are committed to transferring knowledge into practice and society.

The School of Business and Economics at the University of Münster seeks to hire a

Full Professor in Digital Transformation: Impact on People, Economy, Society

(salary level W3) The position is available beginning 1 January 2022.

Subject of the professorship: The professorship conducts theoretical-conceptual and empirical re- search on the effects of digital transformation in a competitive and globalized world. The focus is on people in their various roles as well as the interaction of people and companies and the functioning of society. The professorship‘s research does not focus solely on monetary corporate success nor does it adopt an exclusively discipline-specific perspective. Instead, it focuses on the various actors and ins- titutions of modern societies with respect to their responsibilities and contributions to the functioning of a society in digital transformation.

Thematic focus: The candidates’ research should focus on the fundamental challenges associated with or resulting from digital transformation. Candidates should have scientific expertise in at least one of the following areas:

• Decision-making behavior of different actors (consumers, managers, entrepreneurs) with respect to digital transformation and its impact on society (e.g. autonomy, decision support, algorithmic bias, filter bubbles)

• Impact of digital transformation on people in different areas of life (e.g. consumption, education, energy, health, mobility)

Methodological expertise: Candidates should conduct theoretically grounded empirical research that is interdisciplinary and multi-methodological. A hermeneutically oriented research approach is desi- red as well as an openness towards psychology, sociology, political science, statistics, and mathe- matics. Candidates should mention relevant qualifications in their application.

Research excellence: Candidates must have an outstanding academic record in the subject area of the professorship demonstrated through relevant publications in internationally renowned journals [VHB JOURQUAL 3-ranking (A+/A), at the level of Financial Times Top 50 Journals or comparable]. Experience in attracting external competitive funding and managing funded projects, international experience, an international network and international collaborations are desired.

Integrability: Candidates should actively participate in the research initiatives of the SBE on the topic „Economics in times of radical societal-technological change“ and contribute to advancing this topic. Candidates are expected to collaborate across the constitutive disciplines of the SBE (business admi- nistration, economics and IS) and with other disciplines.

Teaching excellence: Candidates should be committed to high-quality teaching, be pedagogically competent and have experience with digital teaching methods. Furthermore, candidates should be able and willing to teach courses in English in the bachelor‘s, master‘s and PhD programs. Commitment: Candidates should have a record demonstrating their contribution to the goals of the institutions in which they have worked, for example, participation in committees.

Engagement and societal impact: Candidates should be actively engaged with external networks and stakeholders, nationally and/or internationally, demonstrating the significance and value of their relevant academic work.

Prerequisites: Candidates must have successfully completed a relevant university degree and hold a doctoral degree. Furthermore, additional academic achievements are required, obtained through an assistant professorship (Juniorprofessur), habilitation (postdoctoral qualification), as a member of the academic staff of a university or non-university research institute, or in a research position in busi- ness, industry, administration or other relevant fields in Germany or abroad.

The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the pro- portion of women academics. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially conside- red within the framework of the legal possibilities. The University of Münster is committed to emplo- ying more staff with disabilities. Candidates with recognized severe disabilities who have equivalent qualifications are given preference in hiring decisions.

For further questions about the position and/or the project “Economics in times of radical socie- tal-technological change”, please contact the Vice-Dean of Research & Transfer of the SBE, Prof. Dr Sonja Gensler ([email protected]).

Please submit your application with the standard documents (CV, references, list of publications, list of courses taught, teaching evaluations, publications, PDF version of three papers that best demons- trate your qualification for the professorship, externally funded projects, knowledge transfer, descrip- tion of academic career, and a research and teaching concept) by 31 July 2021 in electronic form to:

Dean of the School of Business and Economics Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Prof. Dr Gottfried Vossen
E-Mail: [email protected]