The Department of Business Administration at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (uc3m) invites applications for full-time tenure track positions in Marketing.

We seek highly qualified candidates who are committed to a career in research and teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. or have completed the requirements for such a degree by the date of employment (no later than September 2022). Knowledge of Spanish is not required.

Interested candidates should apply electronically at

Applications should include:
1) a cover letter;
2) CV;
3) a job market paper (identified as such) and up to two additional papers;
4) three letters of recommendation.

In order to ensure full consideration, applications must be received by June 30, 2021.

An Overview of the Department’s Research

The Department of Business Administration of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ( has an international faculty and is committed to high standards of research and teaching. In recent years, faculty members have published in, among others, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, and the Accounting Review.

The Department provides faculty members with incentives to publish in top journals, funding for conferences, advanced computer resources, and access to the main research databases. Faculty members are also active in looking for research funding from public and private institutions. 

The department hosts a weekly seminar series, which brings to the department top international researchers. There is also a weekly internal seminar series where the department’s faculty and Ph.D. students present their work. Apart from the seminar series, the department frequently organizes workshops, which bring together top researchers in the workshop’s research area. 

Ph. D. Program
The Department offers the Ph.D. Program in Business and Finance. The mission of the program is to train researchers in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing, and enable them to develop their careers in prestigious universities and business schools. This program is taught in English and attracts an international group of students ( ).

Excellence and international focus

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid holds the AACSB accreditation and our MBA program holds the AMBA accreditation. Accounting programs hold the ACCA accreditation. We encourage interaction with researchers from other countries by regularly hosting international visiting professors and by facilitating visits of our faculty members to universities around the world.

At the undergraduate level, the members of our faculty teach mainly in the Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration and in Finance and Accounting, both ranked first in the country in their respective fields by the widely followed ranking of Bachelor Degrees of Spanish newspaper El Mundo. Thus, we attract the best students in the country. Our undergraduate degrees are offered both in English and in Spanish, so knowledge of Spanish is not a requirement to teach at the undergraduate level. Faculty members also teach in the Bachelor Degree in Economics and other related programs.

Our department offers several Master programs, both research-oriented and designed for professional practice. These programs are taught in English.