emlyon business school invites applications for a Postdoc position in Marketing at the Research Center for Marketing, Technology, and Customer Insights (MTCI). The position starts in September 2024 or later, as mutually agreed, at the Lyon campus. The postdoc appointment is for a maximum of 24 months, and the selected candidate is expected to live in Lyon or a nearby area. We strongly encourage individuals of all backgrounds (gender, ethnicity, nationality) to apply.


emlyon business school is one of the leading French Grandes Écoles in Management. The school has a distinguished faculty of over 180 professors whose research significantly contributes to scientific discourse and economic and social debates. Consistently ranked among the top European Business Schools, emlyon holds prestigious triple accreditation from AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. It offers a diverse array of programs, including a BBA, MSc in Management, specialized Master’s degrees, MBA, DBA, and PhD. For more information, please visit our website:


The MTCI Research Center aims to generate research that helps managers and policymakers improve decision-making. Through cutting-edge research and collaborations with companies and governmental organizations, we strive to bridge the gap between academia and practice, fostering a dialogue that drives innovation and societal progress. Our center includes members specializing in quantitative marketing and consumer behavior, with expertise in digital marketing, advertising, sustainable consumption, human-AI interactions, platform business models, B2B marketing, and services marketing. Members of the research center meet regularly to discuss research in seminars with external and internal researchers. Our members have published in renowned marketing journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and Journal of Service Research. For more details, please visit the MTCI research center’s website:


• The opportunity to work on your own research projects (e.g., publishing your dissertation) and collaborate with team members who share your interests.
• A research budget to support your work (e.g., presenting at international conferences, copy editing services, data collection).
• Workspace on our brand-new campus in the Gerland neighborhood.
• Access to scientific databases, printing services, office supplies, and scientific software.
• Teaching opportunities for those interested in gaining teaching experience.
• The same excellent healthcare plan as the faculty.
• A salary that is competitive with that of other top European schools.


We are looking for a candidate with the following qualifications:
• A team player with a PhD in marketing, computer science, information systems, or a related field.• A strong interest in at least one of the areas our members specialize in and eagerness to participate in the research center’s activities.
• Demonstrated experience with empirical research (e.g., machine learning, econometrics, experiments) and data generation (e.g., surveys, web scraping).
• We will also consider applicants doing qualitative research in B2B marketing and digital technologies in B2B contexts.
• Excellent organizational skills, fluency in oral and written English, and proven abilities in written scientific communication.


• Maintain our website and keep our LinkedIn page active.
• Manage our subject pool system (i.e., checking the correct functioning of studies, managing professors’ requests, managing student lists, etc.).
• Coordinate research seminars and help organize our yearly research day/conference.


The application should include:

• A cover letter detailing your research agenda and motivation to join the MTCI center.
• An up-to-date curriculum vitae mentioning the contact details of two referees (we will contact them only if you are shortlisted).
• Thesis defense report.
• A published or working paper (to assess written communication skills).

All application materials should be submitted in English via email to Professor Ivan GUITART, Head of the Research Center in Marketing, Technology, and Customer Insights, at [email protected]

We encourage candidates to apply as soon as possible. We will review applications on an ongoing basis until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration, please submit your application by July 19th

. We will delete all your application materials after the recruitment process concludes.