Job Description
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) invites applications for full-time faculty positions at its flagship school, the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB). SDSB currently has vacancies at various academic levels (Teaching Fellow, Lecturer, Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor) to teach undergraduate and graduate-level courses in marketing on topics related to marketing management, brand management, channel management, consumer behavior, digital marketing, and marketing analytics.
Applications are invited for full-time permanent (tenure track) or fixed-term contracts (1-3 years).
The School
SDSB is a leading business school in Pakistan and the first in the country to have achieved AACSB International accreditation. A pioneer in the region for adopting and promoting case method pedagogy and maintains Asia’s largest case study database. The school enhances its programs with a blend of case-based learning and a strong experiential component, which includes regular interactions with business leaders and industry experts. The school’s executive education arm, Rausing Executive Development Center (REDC), is a leader in executive education in Pakistan. It provides faculty with regular opportunities for engagement with business leaders and industry.
SDSB stresses strong applied or pure research output, teaching excellence, and broader business engagement to create societal impact. It is committed to advancing research, programs of study, and activities that cut across disciplines at LUMS. The school has well-established academic programs at the graduate (MBA, EMBA, MS, and PhD) and the undergraduate levels (BSc Accounting and Finance and BSc Management Sciences). The school boasts research active faculty as well as outstanding teachers, nearly 60 in number. SDSB academics publish in highly ranked international journals and remain active in numerous professional associations. SDSB’s faculty are actively engaged in delivery of executive development courses attended by senior executives from the leading organizations in the country
Selection Criteria
Applicants for the Teaching Fellow position should hold a minimum Master’s degree (in a relevant discipline) supported by relevant professional experience. Applicants at the Assistant Professor level ordinarily should hold a PhD (in a relevant discipline) or be near completion (within six months), demonstrate the potential to produce high quality research (R&R in high-quality journals, ranked A in ABDC or 3 in ABS ranking systems or included in other prestigious rankings), commit to excellence in teaching (in English), good communicational skills and networking ability. Individuals who possess excellent teaching abilities and are engaged in applied research may also be considered. Applicants for senior academic positions must have a track record of publications in high-impact international journals and provide evidence of capacity to pursue research funding and develop and lead academic programs.
Applicants must also demonstrate teaching excellence. Successful applicants should be able to design and teach courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervise Masters and PhD candidates. Active participation across SDSB and LUMS activities is also expected.
LUMS is an equal-opportunity employer and encourages women and under-represented groups to apply.
What We Offer
A competitive salary (negotiable) that is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Other benefits include a generous start-up grant, individual research budget, support for research assistants and participation in academic conferences, contributory provident fund, and medical insurance for self and family.
How to Apply
Please email the following documents to
- Cover letter with a clear indication of the position you are applying for, the appointment level, and whether it is for a tenure track or a non-tenure track position.
- Short statement detailing your research interest and/or contributions you can make to SDSB • Detailed resume, including, where appropriate, a full list of publications (clearly identify the ranking of your journal papers as per ABDC/ABS or other), teaching and professional experience, and academic qualifications
- List of three referees.
This call will remain open until the available positions are filled, subject to budgetary resources. Appointments are ideally expected to commence by Fall 2024 or at a mutually agreed-upon date.