
Marketing Phd Jobs (MPJ) is now part of the Academy for Marketing Science® (AMS). For the most part, nothing will change with respect to the MPJ user experience, with two exceptions: (1) there will be some updates to colors, themes, and logos coming shortly, and (2) all premium site features are now available to MPJ users who create free accounts. 

The goal of this transition is for Marketing Phd Jobs to create as much value for the field as possible. AMS will be investing considerable resources over the next several years to help make it easier for Marketing academic job seekers to manage their search and for hiring institutions/departments to connect with talented academics. 

Why the transition? Great question! The reality is that websites are expensive to run. Hosting costs, maintenance updates, and keeping things secure adds up. In 2020, MPJ introduced premium site features as a way to generate revenue for operating costs with the hope this might also fund new initiatives. The operating costs were covered, but there wasn’t anything left for growth. That could have been fine. However, AMS approached us to explore ideas for making the job market better. After lots of discussions, the best path was for MPJ to join forces with AMS. AMS has big plans and ambitions and resources to make it happen. We’ll continue to announce updates on MarketingPhdJobs.org, so stay tuned for more.  

What happens next? For the next year, Ethan and Cesar will work with AMS to ensure a smooth and successful transition and integration. Ethan will serve as AMS Director of Career Services further helping to guide development. At some point in the future, this role will be held by others at AMS who will help MPJ continue to meet the needs of academics on the job market and the institutions wanting to hire them. 

Thank you to all the individual supporters who have signed up for premium accounts the past several years! And tremendous thanks to ISMS, MSI, and ACR for the generous grants that allowed us to turn a humble Google Site listing into what MPJ is today. We’re deeply grateful for the opportunity to have shaped how Marketing academics find jobs. And we’re excited for what MPJ will grow to become as part of AMS.

Ethan and Cesar