Lecturer in Marketing

Are you an academic with proven abilities to carry out teaching and research in marketing and related topics? Do you have an excellent research record and proven success obtaining funding? Are you passionate about delivering an exceptional student experience in a research-intensive Russell Group University? 

As a Lecturer, you will carry out research, teaching and management within the Department, faculty, and university, and contribute to academic leadership in the field of business with specific emphasis on marketing. Leeds University Business School (LUBS) places a premium on international levels of scholarship and research excellence, and you will be expected to play a role in leading the development of the scholarly standing of the Marketing Department.

We encourage applications from individuals who have a research interest in international marketing, internet marketing, sustainable marketing, or marketing modelling, but will also consider applicants who are interested in conducting top quality research in other areas of marketing such as marketing communications. 

The Marketing Department at LUBS is an established and internationally esteemed centre of excellence for scholarly research work and teaching in marketing. Under the leadership of its professors, the Marketing Department is making great strides in its research performance and now exhibits considerable strength and depth. It is one of the leading centres of marketing learning and teaching in the world and offers specialised degree programmes that combine high academic standards with practical application in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Academics in the Marketing Department provide cutting edge research-informed teaching by bringing their world-leading research and practice expertise in to the classroom.

To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact: 

Prof. Josko Brakus, Head of Marketing Department

Email: J.Brakus@leeds.ac.uk


Dr. Babis Saridakis, Departmental Director of Research

Email: B.Saridakis@leeds.ac.uk 


Dr. Zhaleh Najafi Tavani, Associate Professor of Marketing

Email: Z.NajafiTavani@leeds.ac.uk

Location: Leeds – Main Campus
Faculty/Service: Faculty of Business
School/Institute: Leeds University Business School
Category: Academic
Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 8
Salary: £34,304 to £50,296 p.a.
Post Type: Full Time
Contract Type: Ongoing
Release Date: Thursday 28 April 2022
Closing Date: Sunday 22 May 2022
Reference: LUBSC1607
Downloads: Candidate Brief