Assistant Professor, non-tenure track
Fulltime, 40 hours/week
The Institute for Interactive Marketing & Social Media (IMSM) aims at being a leading institution for research and education in the area of digital marketing. The rapid growth of digital technologies and social media has a profound impact on consumer behavior, leading to radically new businesses and challenging incumbents to adapt their marketing strategies. Therefore, our goal is to do research that focuses on new business problems and groundbreaking innovations arising from developments in information technology. We use empirical data (mostly in the form of “big data”) and apply quantitative methods to tackle and solve these problems in order to ultimately make better marketing decisions and realize more desirable outcomes for firms and consumers. Our students are trained to be the next generation of digital marketing managers with strong analytical skills and a profound knowledge of the mechanics of the digital marketing ecosystem, the social media environment, and the challenges in these areas.
Your responsibilities
We are looking for a self-motivated, highly active, and productive researcher, who will be expected to make a significant contribution to the Institute’s research agenda. Specifically, current focus areas, for which we seek applications include:
- digital marketing
- programmatic advertising
- (digital) advertising effectiveness
- social media marketing
- field experiments and quasi-experimental designs
- machine learning in marketing
Applicants for an Assistant Professor position must hold a PhD or a doctorate degree. The successful candidate must demonstrate the motivation and capacity to excel in both research and teaching. Qualifications will include a demonstrated interest in and the proven ability to do publishable research in leading international, peer-reviewed marketing journals (e.g., A-level and above according to the VHB-JOURQUAL journal ranking).
Any member of academic staff joining us is expected to make teaching contributions at an undergraduate and MSc level. An Assistant Professor is also expected to contribute to the Institute administration in terms of team and/or program leadership. In addition, there may be the opportunity to earn additional income by teaching at the MBA and/or Executive level.
Your profile
The successful candidate has obtained an outstanding PhD degree in marketing, economics, management, management information systems, business engineering, computer science, or a related field with a solid training in quantitative empirical research (i.e., statistics, econometrics, or machine learning). The candidate’s skills should be compatible with the Institute’s current research agenda. Most importantly, during the PhD, the candidate was able to prove the ability to publish in leading journals of the field or that s/he will be able to do so by documenting the status of current working papers that are under review at top journals.
In addition, having prior experience in teaching quantitative (marketing) content is an asset (demonstrating teaching ability with positive student evaluations). We appreciate your willingness to use multimedia formats in teaching.
An excellent grasp of written and spoken English is required. Beyond any formal requirements, we are looking for enthusiastic, curious team players who are passionate about research and willing to take on responsibility.
Application Procedure:
Interested candidates should upload their applications including a cover letter (specifying research interests, motivation for an academic career, and possible starting date), a resume, and relevant certificates (copies are fine) via the online application tool. Applicants should additionally submit a job market paper. A statement of research interests, academic references, and an overview of accumulated teaching experience will be assessed favorably.
All application documents should be submitted in English.
The minimum gross monthly salary is €3,889.50, subject to adjustment if candidates can document equivalent prior professional experience.
This employee position will be limited to a period of six years, starting on January 04, 2021 (commencement date subject to change).
If you are interested in a job with diverse responsibilities in a pleasant, stimulating work environment, please submit your application by December 02, 2020 (ID 805).